Mittwoch, 10. August 2011

How To Become Less Shy - Get Started Now And Lose Your Shyness Forever!

If you are wondering how to become less shy you probably got a lot of tips that did not work for you. But don't panic - you can lose your shyness completely. You just need the right method. I found this methods on and decided to do this blog to help you get started. I will tell you the first steps on how to become less shy and then show you where you can get the information that tells you how to stop being quiet and shy completely.

Lets take a worst case scenario and see how to become less shy using such a situation: You are at a cocktail party and you do not know anyone. The good news is: Normally you are not the only person that does not know anyone at this party. Look out for another one who is standing around alone, not knowing what to do. Walk up to this person and ask her or him something. It is absolutely not important what you are asking. It may be about the weather or something you heard in the news. It could even be something you already know. Don't try to say something special or to do intelligent communication: This kind of talking is not to exchange information - It is a social signal! The subtext is something like: "I want to communicate with you, get to know you and I do not mean any harm to you".
So if you walk up to this person and do the above I can almost guarantee: This person will be really glad to talk to you.

So you managed to do three things at once: You found out how to become less shy, you made this person feel better and you managed to start socialising. From this point on, it will be easier to get in contact with other groups and persons. Be proud of yourself: You have made a start!

This is one of the methods I used to overcome my own shyness.You can find more information on how to become less shy on this page: How to overcome being shy and in this article: How to get over social anxiety. These two helped me tremendously and once I used the methods on I managed to overcome shyness completely. It is a whole different life to be able to have fun in social situations and have the friends I always wanted to have. Believe me, you don't want to miss this!

Give yourself a chance and visit how to overcome being shy or today!