Dienstag, 23. August 2011

How To Avoid Shyness - Make The Friends You Want To Have NOW!

Some time ago I started out as a really shy person. When trying to learn how to avoid shyness one of the biggest problems was to overcome the "empty head syndrome" when talking to people. This took me quite a while, until I found the right kind of information on www.LoseYourShyness.com and learned how to stop being shy and quiet.

Here is how I did it:

My biggest mistake was my thinking that I had to say something special or interesting to people. But guess what? You don't have to! It just has to be some information that the other person can relate with. This does not necessarily have to be the weather, but try to get to gather some information of common interest. This is a big step in learning how to avoid shyness, but it's easy to do: Read newspapers, watch comedies, watch the news, do not just read your beloved special interest magazines. Just get some stuff that people are talking about at the moment. This may seem superficial at first, but this kind of talk is not to exchange important information. It is there to make contact and almost especially made for that case: To give people something to talk about.

Now, how can you use this to overcome your shyness?

Once you are "armed" with information you can just start by asking people for their opinion to something. Again, you don't have to be interested in that topic - It's just a starter. From there you may move on to more interesting topics or maybe you even find something you have in common. And if the absolute worst thing happens: The person is not interested in talking to you - you just exchange a few polite words and move away saying "It was nice talking to you. Have a nice day". Simple as that!
Techniques like this helped me tremendously in learning how to avoid shyness. Just try it for yourself! There is some work involved, but you can overcome your shyness completely, just by using the right techniques. And believe me, there will be no looking back. It is just a whole different life and it is so much better! So start out today and go to this page, which will tell you  how to build up confidence and will give you more methods that will help you to find out how to avoid shyness. Once you have your first successes and are on your way to make the friends you want to have and life the life you want, go to www.LoseYourShyness.info and use the information there to lose your shyness completely. If I could do it, so can you! Why not start today by clicking here?

By the way: You can get more useful information about how to get over social anxiety by reading this article!